The White Horse Inn
Armidale Town Hall - March 1963
Stage Direction by William Crocker
Musical Direction by Neville Meale
By Hans Muller and Erik Charrel. Music by Ralph Benatzky and Robert Stolz. Original Lyrics by Robert Gilbert. English book and lyrics by Harry Graham. By arrangement with Samuel French Ltd.
Act I
Outside the White Horse Inn
The Cow Shed
Outside the Inn
Act II
Outside the Inn
The Pine Wood
The Town Hall
The Cow Shed
Outside the Inn
Outside the Inn
The Travellers Rest
Outside the Inn
Act I
Introduction - Kathi, Quartet and chorus
Reprise - Zenzi
Entrance of Tourists - Leopold and chorus
'It Would be Wonderful' - Josepha, Leopold and girls
Arrival of the Guests - Chorus
'The White Horse Inn' - Sutton, Josepha, chorus and dancers
'Happy Cows' - Dairymaids and dancers
'Your Eyes' - Sutton, Ottoline, chorus and dancers
Finale Act I - Leopold and chorus
Act II
Entr'acte and Opening Chorus - Josepha, Leopold and Market Women
'Good Bye' - Leopold and men
'You Too' - Sutton, Ottoline and dancers
'In Salzkammergut' - Joseph, Grinkle, chorus and dancers
'Sigismund' - Sigismund, chorus and dancers
Dance - Sigismund and Gretel
Ballet 'Salzkammergut' - Sutton, Grinkle, Kathi, chorus and dancers
'Fairies' - Sigismund and Gretel
Finale Act II - Leopold, Josepha, Sutton and chorus
Entr'acte and Serenade - Chorus
Recitation - Emperor
Reprise - Sutton, Ottoline, Josepha
Dance - Male dancers
'My Song of Love' - Ottoline, Sutton, chorus and dancers
Reprise - Gretel and Sigismund
Finale Act III - Ensemble

CAST - In order of apearance
Kathi, The Postwoman: May Croaker, Karl, A Young Waiter: Ray Poulton, A Forester: Jack Brennan, Zenzi, A Goatherd: Beverley Johnson, A Courier: Michael Dunkin, Franz, A Waiter: Gerry Ter Hedde, Leopold, Head Waiter: David Dufty, Josepha Vogelhuber: Maurice Goldston, Steamer Captain: Richard Booth, Bridegroom: David Mann, Bride: Georgina Devlin, John Ebenezer Grinkle: Jack Eaton, Ottoline, His Daughter: Linda Bowden, Valentine Sutton, Solicitor: John Biggs, Sigismund Smith: Dennes Fayle, Professort Hinzel: Ilford Keena, Gretel, His Daughter: Vella Green, The Mayor: Peter Piggioli, The Mayor's Secretary: Sheila Pike,Councillors: Barrie Chapman, Max Post, Noel Brennan, The Emperor: Brian Showell, His Servant: Harvey Newman, President of the Girls Friendly Society: Peg Leask
Ladies of the Chorus: Norma Bell, Margaret Brock, Margaret Coggan, Claire Dawson, Georgina Devlin, Iris Dunkin, Vivienne Edwards, Win Fayle, Betty Finch, Jeanette Hewitt, Anne Jensen, Anne Johnston, Melva Lintott, Jan Lyons, Jean Lyttle, Evelyn McDonald, Fay McLean, Sibella Miller, Frances O'Brien, Louise Randall, Beryl Sattler, Judy Sewell, Jenny Smith, Margaret Smith, Elizabeth Hillard, Lindy Hillard, Margaret Hillard, Margaret Leask, Ann Leask, Leonie Poggioli, Marlene Smith, Alison Stewart
Ballet: Margaret Napier, Marjorie Napier, Marjorie Mackie, Sandra Trevelyan, Frances Kofod, Kira Wright, Rhonda Pearson, Eileen Napier, Ann Failes
Gentleman of the Chorus: Michael Baker, Barrie Chapman, Keith Cork, Michael Dunkin, Brian Harrison, Max Post, John Gallimore, Michael McLellan, Noel Brennan, Norman Devlin, Peter Poggioli, Geoff Randall, James Ball, Ewart Brockington, Gordon Forth, Lester Spinaze, Tim Radford, Wally Moore, John Mozeley, Robert West
Firemen: Bert Hockley, Jim Witherdin, Kel Ward, George Reynolds. By courtesy of the Fire Officer, R Brock.
Dancers: Roger Patricks, Bob Lane, Tony Wallis, Bob Wright
Stage Band: Dennis O'Hern, John Lane, C Peters, Brian Charlton
Violins: L Kesteven (Leader), E Allingham, E Devlin, D Lindsay, J Cane, F Adkins, G MacKay, Viola: L Bell,'Cello: N Darling, E Lewis, Flute: M Hawkins, Oboe: E Lewis, Clarinet: J Hawkins, W Robison, Trumpet: D O'Hern, Tympani: N Barltrop
Stage Direction: William Crocker
Musical Direction: Neville Meale
Choreography: Bruno Harvey
Stage Manager: George Pittendrigh
Executive Secretary: Peg Leask
Assistant Director: Murial Jensen
Business Managers: Cyril Carey, Alwyn Jones
Publicity: Peter Poggioli
Cover Design: Lenore Crocker
Lighting: Lionel Gailer, Lachlan McNaught, Hugh Cone
Scenery: Nelson Wood
Scene Painting: Sybil Gabriel
Make-up: Pat Eberle, Ilona Eberle, Gwen Whitly, Rae Davidson, Carole Jensen
Photography: Ray Esdaile, Phil Agnew for Armidale Camera Club
Assistant Musical Director: Keith Aubrey
Accompaniste: Barbara McGarity
Ballet Accompaniste: Pam Douglas
Stage Crew: Eric Woolmington, Howard Crozier, Philip Alexander, Frank Oakes
Costumes: Betty Brown assisted by Jennifer Rowe, Kit Moran, Jan Stewart
Costumes By: Motley of Sydney
Properties: Tim Kirkwood, Pat Cameron, Barbara Dowling
Construction: Noel Marshall of Burton and Cashman
This production was sponsored by the Armidale Festival Committee with a view to reform a musical society in Armidale.