The Producers: A New Mel Brooks Musical
May/June 2011
Lazenby Hall, UNE
Book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan. Music and Lyrics by Mel Brooks.
By special arrangement with StudioCanal and arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd.
Max Bialystock is the self-styled King Of Broadway and a second rate theatrical producer. He romances rich little old ladies with the intention to fleece them of their cash to invest in his shows. He meets Leo Bloom a very neurotic accountant, who innocently realises that if Max were to invest the ill gotten loads of cash obtained from a large number of little old ladies in a guaranteed flop, they could be rich. Very rich.
The two of them then set out to hire directors and actors with the least amount of talent on Broadway to produce the worst ever written musical. They would then sit back and wait for the damning reviews to ensure a guaranteed flop. Thus the birth of the musical Springtime For Hitler, a gay romp set in the mountains of Bavaria. Their plan is flawless right?
Act I
Outside the Shubert Theatre
'It's Opening Night ' - Usherettes, First Nighters
'The King of Broadway' - Max, Bag Lady, Blind Violinist, Usherettes, Ensemble
The Office of Max Bialystock
'We Can Do It' - Max, Leo
Offices of Whitehall and Marks
'I Wanna Be a Producer' - Leo, Accountants, Chorus Girls
The Office of Max Bialystock
'I Wanna Be a Producer' (Reprise) - Max, Leo
Apartment Rooftop on Jane Street
'In Old Bavaria' - Franz, Pigeons
'Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop' - Franz, Max, Leo
The Living Room of Roger DeBris's Upper East Side Townhouse
'Keep It Gay' - Max, Leo, Roger, Roger's Team, Carmen
'Conga' - Max, Leo, Roger, Roger's Team, Carmen, Ensemble
The Office of Max Bialystock
'When You've Got It, Flaunt It'- Ulla
'Along Came Bialy' - Max, Leo, Little Old Ladies, Ulla, Roger, Carmen,
Roger's Team, Franz, Ensemble
Act II
White Office
'That Face' - Ulla, Leo
Bare Theatre Stage
'Have You Ever Heard the German Band' - Franz
Outside the Schubert Theatre
'It's Opening Night' (Reprise) - Usherettes
'It's Bad Luck to Say Good Luck on Op'ning Night' - Carmen, Roger, Leo, Franz
Schebert Theatre Stage
'Springtime for Hitler' - Chorus, Stormtroopers, Roger, Ulla
Bialystock's Office
'Where Did We Go Right' - Max, Leo
'Leo Goes to Rio' - Ulla, Leo
Holding Cell
'Betrayed' - Max
''Til Him' - Max, Leo, Little Old Ladies
Sing Sing Prison
'Prisoners of Love' - Max, Leo, Franz, Ulla, Roger, Convicts, Girl prisoners
Finale - All
Well here we are, 14 weeks of damned hard work! Having done a fair few "big" musicals before, I felt that "The Producers" would be well within previous capacities. Maybe it's age, but this one seemed to be bigger than anything I have everdone before. Mel Brook's hilarious and tuneful musicalisation of his hit film just kept throwing challenges at the creative team as we went along.
Tonight will be the proof in the pudding as to how we overcame them. One thing for sure is that Mel Brook's show never once failed to have us all in stitches marvelling at this legendary comedian's abilities. I would like to thank a few people who made this show a reality. My ever enthusiastic Assistant Director Kylie Constantine was with me right from the start and I thank her for keeping me on the straight and narrow throughout this process.
Anne Keoghan for being there at nearly all our rehearsals busily scribing all our moves and prompting whenever she was needed.
Graham Maddox for stepping into the Musical directors shoes in what turned out to be a tricky score to grapple with, Graham never once lost his enthusiasm and I thank him for guiding us through the music's intricacies with skill and aplomb. I would also like to thank all our repetiteurs Warwick Dunham, Cathy Archer, Hilary Pearson and Euna Yeom this can often be a thankless repetitive task and they all attacked the score with enthusiasm,skill and good grace. I take my hat off to the truly talented Melissa Killen, what a great choreographer she is and we are blessed to have her work on this production.
Finally thanks to all the others in the team from Producer Waine Grafton to Stage Manager Colin Barry to construction engineer Pat Bradley to Props master Pam Menzies we just couldn't have done it without you. So sit back and enjoy what I am sure you will find a riotous ride from one of the greatest comedic writers of our times.
Max Bialystock: Michael Gibson,
Leo Bloom: Alex Robson,
Franz Liebkind: David Trestrail,
Roger DeBris: Christopher Curcuruto,
Carmen Ghia: Ben Bible,
Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yonsen Tallen-Hallen
Svaden-Svanson: Imogen Dean
Usherettes: Jocelyn Harris, Karin von Strokirch, Lisa Quast, Ros Brady
First Nighters: Amber Lennon, Anne Keoghan, David Paterson, Dylan Ryan, Ellen Fitzgerald, Ewan Paterson, Garry Slocombe, Katie Broomfield, Katya Gladiadis, Laura Stodart, Michael Abbott, Minnie Rose, Neil Horton, Robyn Slocombe
Bag Lady: Aline Christenson
Blind violinist: Anne Matley
Accountants: Mr Marks: Jim Harrop, David Paterson, Dylan Ryan, Ewan Paterson, Garry Slocombe, Neil Horton (soloist), Peter Crick, Will Smidt
Roger's Team: Bryan the Set Designer: Will Smidt, Kevin the Costume Designer: David Paterson, Scott the Choreographer: Ewan Paterson, Shirley Markowitz the Lighting Designer: Katya Gladiadis, Sabu: Rachel Horton
Conga Chorus: Construction Worker: Dylan Ryan, Sailor: Michael Abbott, Cop: Jim Harrop, Native American: Neil Horton
Little Old Ladies:
Hold Me Touch Me: Annie Abbott,
Lick Me Bite Me: Anne Keoghan,
Kiss Me Feel Me: Lisa Quast,
Clinch Me Pinch Me: Robyn Slocombe,
Like Me Bite Me: Kim Wardman, Aline Christenson, Amber Lennon, Anne Matley, Charlie Wright, Claudia Martin, David Pateron, Dylan Ryan, Ellen Fitzgerald, Garry Slocombe, Jocelyn Harris, Katya Gladiadis, Keziah Knight, Laura Horton, Laura Stodart, Lindy Hardman, Marney Tilley, Michael Abbott, Nicole Farrell, Penny Williams, Peter Crick, Ros Brady
Audition Pianist: Penny Williams, Dancing and Singing Hitlers: Charlie Wright, Ellen Fitzgerald, Kim Wardman, Laura Horton, Marney Tilley, Minnie Rose, Nicole Farrell, Will Smidt, Jack Lepidus: David Paterson, Donald Dinsmore: Ewan Paterson, Jason Green: Michael Abbott
Bavarian Peasants: David Paterson, Ewan Paterson, Karin von Strokirch, Lisa Quast, Michael Abbott, Neil Horton, Robyn Slocombe, Ros Brady
Stormtrooper: Will Smidt, Stormtrooper Mel: Peter Crick, Stormtrooper Rolf: Garry Slocombe
Follies Girls: Charlie Wright, Ellen Fitzgerald, Jocelyn Harris, Laura Horton
Sergeant of Police: David Paterson, Officer O'Rourke: Michael Abbott, Officer O'Reilly: Jim Harrop
Judge: Anne Matley, Warden: Jim Harrop, Convicts: David Paterson, Ewan Paterson, Garry Slocombe, Michael Abbott, Neil Horton, Will Smidt, Girl Prisoners: Ellen Fitzgerald, Jocelyn Harris, Laura Horton, Lindy Hardman, Minnie Rose
Tank Girls: Katie Broomfield, Rachel Horton
Featured Dancers: Nicole Farrell, Jocelyn Harris, Lindy Hardman, Claudia Martin, Simone Pearce, Minnie Rose, Laura Stodart, Ellen Fitzgerald, Charlie Wright, Not You Showgirl: Marney Tilley
Violin: Laurie Pulley, Colin Sholl, Eliza Scott, Maurice Anker
Cello: Angela Farrell
Flute: Gerard Larkins, Nicolette Burr
Clarinet: Benjamin Sindel, Aiden Gallagher
Horn: Bruce Menzies
Trumpet: Georgina Chorley
Trombone: David Brown, Yossi Bokor
Drums: Daniel Bale
Percussion: Matt Gray
Keyboard: Warwick Dunham
Bass Keyboard: Robyn Bradley
Director: Neil Horton
Assistant Director: Kylie Constantine
Assistant to the Director/Prompt: Anne Keoghan
Music Director: Graham Maddox
Assistant to the Music Director: Kylie Constantine
Repetituers: Warwick Dunham, Cathy Archer, Hilary Pearson, Euna Yeom
Producer: Waine Grafton
Stage Manager: Colin Barry
Set/Artistic Design: Waine Grafton
Construction Engineer: Pat Bradley
Set Construction: Gordon Cope, Pat Bradley, Colin Barry, Neil Horton, cast and crew
Lighting Design: Luke Polson
Lighting Operator: Diana Helmrich
Sound: Carolyn Shepherd
Costume Design & Making: Margaret Sims
Costume Helpers & Sewers: Kylie Zhong, Paula Bowden, Ros Littledyke, Rhonda Forrest, Liz Ellis, Cathryn McCormack, Alisa Perks, Ania Glover, Lenore Crocker, Robyn Slocombe, Karin von Strokirch, Jan Paterson, Jeanette Bermann, Minnie Rose, Anne Cunningham, Shirley Cooke, Jenny Thomas, Jocelyn Harris, June Billings
Properties Manager: Pam Menzies
Publicity & Promotion: Marney Tilley, Warren Bartik
Poster Design/Program/Artwork: Greg Balcombe
Make-up: Mike Gibson, Carol Elder, Kerri Faint, Rebecca Smith
Dressers: Rhiannon Wright
Stage Crew: Warren Bartik, Luke Pavel, Brett Smith, Kayla Paterson, Josh Martin, Peter Hutton, Jocelyn Walken-Brown, Kaitlin Fell, Erica Hughes, Duncan Quast, Alby Behrens
Ticketing: Neil Horton, Diana Helmrich
Photography: Terry Cooke
Front of House: John Brady, Bob Thompson with Julie Collins, Liz Ellis, Frances Tafra, Cathy McCormack, Deborah Hunter, Jan Wyles, Judy McLeod, Aaron Sullivan, Sam Rodgers, Helen Sisson
Judy Graham and Ben Venue Primary School for the rehearsal venue, Rocky and the New England Hotel for displaying our banner, The Armidale School for loan of the revolving stage, Wendy Huddleston as audition accompanist, Lindy Hardman for her great assistance with hair, Armidale Antiques and Design, Michael Maratea Restorations, Covered in Style Upholsters, Colin Pell Master Upholsterer, Bernie May, Greg Balcombe, Rebecca Smith, Maurice Anker, Frances Tafra, Tim Abbott, Stella Cejas, Poh Woodland, PLC, Brian Kelly's Transport