The 39 Steps
September - October 2015
TAS Hoskins Centre
Directed by Neil Horton
Produced by Diana Helmrich
Back in 1995 two writers based in the North of England, Nobby Dimon and Simon Corble came up with a version of The 39 Steps which toured with great success to small venues (village halls and small theatres). This version was based both on John Buchan’s book and on the highly reputed 1935 Alfred Hitchcock film version. An element fixed at this point was the idea of just 4 actors playing all the parts: 3 men and a woman. Edward Snape of production company Fiery Angel then asked Patrick Barlow to adapt the script. Patrick decided that his adaptation would be based on the film rather than the book, as the film is more inherently dramatic. After a tour the show came to the Tricycle Theatre in London in August 2006 and was so successful it gained an immediate transfer to the West End, where it is still running. The show then transferred to Broadway and ran for over two years before moving Off-Broadway to the New World Stages.
The show is very characteristic of the work of Patrick Barlow, who is greatly respected in theatre for his work since 1980 with his own company, The National Theatre of Brent. The brilliance of these shows is often in the creation of a lot from very little, so that with minimal set or costume (or indeed cast), complex or even epic stories can be both hilariously and movingly told. This is achieved through fearless engagement with the audience, and a full embracing of theatricality. (Often things go deliberately wrong; actors come out of role momentarily to give the audience or another performer a look.) This is a knowing, self-reflexive approach to theatre that says “look, we know we’re in a theatre, and we know you’re there, so let’s just have a good time shall we?” This has strong roots in the theatrical tradition, from the comic asides of pantomime
Directors Note
It was a cold Sunday night in wintery London just under 2 years ago when my daughter Rachel and I boarded the tube to Piccadilly Circus (The Eros statue was a giant snow globe) to see “The 39 Steps””. I had heard of it playing successfully in Australia and was keen to see how one stages a play of a famous Alfred Hitchcock film with 4 actors and over 150 characters. Not only that, stage a scene set on a moving train, a chase across the firth of forth bridge and have your hero chased by a tiger moth bi-plane. Well I guess you will see tonight? I hope you enjoy our efforts. I for one found the play that night in London one of the funniest and silliest pieces of theatre I have seen for many a year. Oh and Rachael loved it too1 All this after spending a fair bit of time talking her into coming with me. She liked it so much she has been my directors assistant and memory prompt for some of the action you will see tonight.
My thanks to all the cast for their herculean efforts with this difficult piece of theatre and especially to Diana Helmrich for her support as Producer and Pam Menzies who has seen the show more than anybody I know bringing her passion for the piece to rehearsals to inspire the cast and I to do the best show we can.
Richard Hannay – Howard Randell
Clown 1 – Mark Bourne
Clown 2 – Waine Grafton
Annabella Schmidt – Lisa Quast
Margaret – Tracey James
Pamela – Anita Brown
Thank You
Principal Murray Guest and staff of TAS for the continued support of the ADMS
Andrew McConnell and Anthony Carlon
Armidale Building Recyclers
ABC Morning Show

Production Team
Producer - Diana Helmrich
Director – Neil Horton
Directors Assistant – Rachael Horton
Props and Directors Advisor – Pamela Menzies
Set Design – Waine Grafton, Pamela Menzies, Neil Horton
Set Construction – Mark Cooper, Neil Horton, Pat Bradley, Greg Quast, Lucy Quast, Mark Lawless, Lisa Qaust, Howard Randell, Milly Randell, Rachel Horton, Bruce
Lighting Design – Anthony Carlon
Costumes: Diana Helmrich, Pierette …. And the Cast
Sound Design – Neil Horton
Sound Engineer – Carolyn Shepherd
Stage Manager - Diana Helmrich
Stage Crew – Lisa Quast, Tracey James, Maree Puxty, Anne Keoghan, Marney Tilley
Publicity – Marney Tilley
Artwork Design – Matthew Whittingham
Program Artwork and Design – Howard Randell
Front of House Manager – Jody Brash
Front of House Staff: