A Night at the Opera
Ex-Services Club, Armidale - August 2009
In conjunction with the Armidale Symphony Orchestra and invited soloists
Mozart's Marriage of Figaro
'Overture' - Orchestra
Mozart's Cosi fan Tutte
'Soave il Vento' - Kylie Constantine, Inge Southcott, Simon Polson
Bizet's Carmen
'Habanera' - Inge Southcott, Chorus
'Toreador Song' - Stephen Tall, Chorus
Bizet's The Pearl Fishers
'Au Fond du Temple' - Tom Moran, Stephen Tall
Massanet's Thais
'Meditation' - Errol Russell
Puccini's Madama Butterfly
'Un Bel Di' - Samantha Cobcroft
'Humming Chorus' - Chorus
Puccini's Turandot
'Nessun Dorma' - Tom Moran, Chorus
Mascagni's Cavallaria Rusticana
'Intermezzo' - Orchestra
'Easter Hymn' - Samantha Cobcroft, Inge Southcott, Chorus, Fiori MusicaleDonizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor
'Chorus of the Wedding Guests' - Tom Moran, Chorus
'Chi mi frenain tal momento' - Samantha Cobcroft, Inge Southcott, Tom Moran, Neil Horton, Stephen Tall, Simon Polson, Chorus
Verdi's Nabucco
'Va Pensiero' - Chorus
Verdi's La Traviata
'Brindisi' - Samantha Cobcroft, Tom Moran, Chorus

Verdi's Aida
'Celeste Aida' - Tom Moran
'Triumphal Scene' - Chorus
Soprano: Samantha Cobcroft, Kylie Constantine, Contralto: Inge Southcott, Tenor: Tom Moran, Baritone: Stephen Tall, Simon Polson, Neil Horton, Host: Waine Grafton
Sopranos: Alanna Verey, Alicia Brodersen, Annikki Reader, Cathie Lamont, Cathy Archer, Constance Rolfe, Frances Tafra, Gillian Carpenter, Ingrid Rothe, Jane Davies, Jeanette Berman, Jemimah Lush, Jenny Bristow, Jessica Scott, Joan Lamont, Julie Raines, Karin Von Strokirch, Lauren Zell, Lisa Quast, Loraine Nano, Lyndal Butler, Mary De Gabriele, Pat Mclean, Rhianna Berman–Prowse, Robyn Slocombe, Ruth Nicholls, Val Sherwell, Vivienne Nano
Altos: Alanna Hillsley, Alanna Verey, Alison David, Alison Wright, Anne Matley, Anneke Van Mosseveld, Carolyn Shepherd, Deirdre Waters, Gaylia Bigg, Heather Pavel, Helen Dangar, Jennifer Sayer, Jenny Sholl, Kaye Mill, Lynette Schuh, Margaret Sims, Nickie Murcell, Rachael Bale, Ros Brady, Ruth Nicholls, Sharyn Holmes, Sheila Kent, Sue Hill
Tenors: Brad Scott, Bruce Southcott, John Geake, John Henshall, Ken Waters, Mark Arnold, Marney Tilley, Methuen Morgan, Mike Gibson, Phil Oxley
Basses: Alec Watt, Bryce Little, Garry Slocombe, James Cooper, Jeremy Nash, Joseph May, Paul McNeill, Peter Norton, Rob Hill, Waine Grafton, William Hughes
Fiori Musicali: Alison Wright, Bruce Southcott, Cathy Archer, Helen Dangar, Inge Southcott, Jeanette Berman, Jemimah Lush, Jeremy Nash, Mark Arnold, Phil Oxley, Rhianna Berman–Prowse
Violin 1: Errol Russell, Colin Sholl, Jodie Ostenfeld, April Kelson, Marie Mackenzie, Sujata Allen, Jenny Khafagi, Mal Hewitt, Violin 2: Marion Barford, Maurice Anker, Yvonne Arnold, Michelle Guppy, Beth Kenrick, Liz Ryan, Graham Mackay, Viola: Chris Cunningham, Hannah Rowland, Heather Martin, Laurie Pulley, Cello: Eleanor Streatfeild, Sue Metcalfe, Angela Farrell, Rhonda Davey, Maddie Kreusler, Georgie Ostenfeld, Andrew Alter, Ian Slater, Camilla Tafra, Bass: Sarah Christopher, Arlene Fletcher, Vicki Harbison, Alex Moran,Flute/Piccolo: Geoff Derren, Sharon Davidge, Gerard Larkins, Oboes: Graham Maddox, David Rowe,Clarinets: Jane Growns, Brent Trenerry, Chris Garden, Bassoon: Alex Bell, Rosemary Lloyd, Horns: Al Finco, Kerry Hawkins, Tom Cooper, Hollie Tilse, Trumpets: Jason Heise, John Kellaway, Mikayla Glover,Trombones/Tuba: Dave Brown, Angus Trenerry, Michael Keogh, Brian Glover, Harp/Celeste/Organ: Robyn Bradley, Timpani: Daniel Bale, Percussion: Robyn Bradley, Stuart Pavel
Concept & Musical Direction: Bruce Menzies
Producer: Neil Horton
Assistant Musical Director: Robyn Bradley
Rehearsal Pianist: Robyn Bradley
Lighting Design: Luke Polson, Diana Helmrich
Lighting Crew: Diana Helmrich, Neil Horton
Sound: David Percival, Claire Horton, Colin Bale
Publicity: Marney Tilley, Denis Wright, Chris Cunningham
Graphics: Denis Wright
Programme: Denis Wright, Neil Horton
Production Assistance: Maurice Anker
Front of House: Armidale Symphony Orchestra, The Armidale School
Peter Maddox for additional orchestrations, Anne Matley and Armidale High School for rehearsal venue, The Armidale Internation Film Festival committee for their kind cooperation with performance dates, Leanne Turner and staff of the Armidale Ex Services Club, The Pines Motel, Marsh St Armidale.