Armidale Playhouse Donations
Thank you for expressing interest in offering financial support for The Armidale Playhouse (APH). As you might know, we are a not-for-profit incorporated association formed to promote the practice and presentation of community performing arts, in regional NSW. The principal objectives of APH are to develop and maintain a community theatre for the performing arts; and to provide opportunities for theatre and performance rehearsal with also production training to include areas such a lighting, sound and costuming.
You can support the APH with a tax-deductible donation to the Armidale Playhouse Gift Fund as we are on the Register of Cultural Organisations and have tax deductibility status under subdivision 30-F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Donors can also be recorded on our website.
Donations may be made by:
Direct Deposit:
BSB 932 000 (Regional Australia Bank)
Account: 100438431
Reference: Your Name
If you are donating by Direct Deposit, please complete online form below.
Or by:
Cheque (APH Gift Fund) and filling in the downloadable pdf
Please return this form to: Armidale Playhouse, 309 Beardy Street, ARMIDALE 2350.
Once your donation has been received and we have your details, a DGR receipt will be emailed to you
If you would like any further information, please email us at
Thank you for your support
Warren Bartik
(APH Gift Fund Officer).
