A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum
'Town Hall, Armidale – May 1993
Stage Direction by Mike Gibson
Musical Direction by Pam Douglas, David Aynsley
Book by Bart Shevelove and Larry Gelbart. Music and lyrics by Stephen Soundheim. By arrangement with Warner/Chappell Music.
The time is a day in spring in Ancient Rome, two hundred years before the Christian era when the Roman Empire was at its height and slaves and Courtesans were a Drachma a dozen.
You don't know what a Courtesan is? We're sure it will come to you early in the performance!
The place is a street in Rome in front of the houses of Erronius, Senex and Lycus.
Act 1
'Comedy Tonight' – Pseudolus and Company
'Love I Hear' – Hero
'Free' – Pseudolus and Hero
'Lovely' – Philia and Hero
'Pretty Little Picture' – Pseudolus, Hero and Philia
'Everybody Ought To Have A Maid' – Senex, Pseudolus, Hysterium, Lycus
'I'm Calm' – Hysterium
'Impossible' – Senex and Hero
'Bring Me My Bride' – Miles Gloriosus and Proteans
Act 2
'That Dirty Old Man' – Domina
'That’ll Show Him' – Philia
'Lovely' (reprise) – Pseudolus and Hysterium
'Funeral Sequence' – Pseudolus, Miles Gloriosus, Proteans and Girls
'Comedy Tonight' – Finale Pseudolus and Company
Pseudolus: Michael Gibson, Senex: Ray Sharpe, Domina: Donna Murphy nee Wainohu, Hero: Brian Thomas, Hysterium: Will Knight, Lycus: Derek Norton, Tintinabula: Merita Smith, Panacea: Meg Levy, The Geminae: Kirsty Abbott, Toni Abbott, Vibrata: Shan Fawcett, Gymnasia: Margaret Kennedy, Philia: Kelly Pilon, Erronius: John Hamel/Roger Pitcher, Miles Gloriosus: Norman Macey, The Proteans: Barbara Colledge, Bev Jenkins, Dorothy Pollard, Courtesans: Kirsty Abbott, Margaret Kennedy, Marita Smith, Meg Levi, Shan Fawcett, Toni Abbott, Soldiers: Beryl Hamel, Fiona Hale, Lolly Krzyszkowiak, Eunuchs: Richard Copuano, Terry Mifsud [Men cut out to be bachelors]
Conductor: David Aynsley, Piano: Pam Douglas, Trumpet 1: John Harris, Trumpet 2: Adrienne Till,Trumpet 3: Franzica Schultz, Trombone 1: Marcus Holdsworth, Trombone 2/Flute: Margaret Sharpe, Tuba: Neville Crew, Tuba/Bassoon: Eemon Marstella, Flute/Saxophone: Jennifer Adams, Flute: Margaret Hawkins,Clarinet: Matthew Hobbs, Jenny Williams, Percussion: Steven Sharpe, Drums: Geoff Holdsworth
Director: Michael Gibson
Production Assistants: Margaret Kennedy, Donna Murphy nee Wainohu, Tracey Van der Valk
Musical Directors: Pam Douglas, David Aynsley
Costuming: Donna Murphy nee Wainohu and slaves
Lighting: Brian Lenehan
Set Design: Prompt Scenery, Sydney
Publicity/Programme: Norman Macey, Brian Thomas
Properties: Aline Christenson, Dawn Smith
Prompt: Ngaire Wainohu
Makeup: Di Arnold
Hairdressers: Paul, David
Photography: Ray Sharpe
Front of House: Debbie Towner and slaves
Ticketing: Margaret Kennedy
H.S.A. First National, Richard Robinson of the Medieval Society for handcrafting the helmets, Telecom Australia for sponsorship, The Armidale City Band for releasing several of its members including the band-master from their normal band commitments to play in this production